
英文論文誌 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan (1986)

Vol.64 Vol.63 Vol.62 Vol.61
Vol.60 Vol.59 Vol.58 Vol.57 Vol.56 Vol.55 Vol.54 Vol.53 Vol.52 Vol.51
Vol.50 Vol.49 Vol.48 Vol.47 Vol.46 Vol.45 Vol.44 Vol.43 Vol.42 Vol.41
Vol.40 Vol.39 Vol.38 Vol.37 Vol.36 Vol.35 Vol.34 Vol.33 Vol.32 Vol.31
Vol.30 Vol.29 Vol.28 Vol.27 Vol.26 Vol.25 Vol.24 Vol.23 Vol.22 Vol.21
Vol.20 Vol.19 Vol.18 Vol.17 Vol.16 Vol.15 Vol.14 Vol.13 Vol.12 Vol.11
Vol.10 Vol.9 Vol.8 Vol.7 Vol.6 Vol.5 Vol.4 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1

No.1  No.2  No.3  No.4

Vol.29 No.1
Periodic Property of Streetcar Congestion at the First Station
TOSHINAO NAKATSUKA(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Solution Concept for Multiobjective Optimization Problems with Fuzzy Parameters and its Properties
HITOSHI YANO(Kagawa University),MASATOSHI SAKAWA(Kobe University)
Worst-Case Analysis for Planar Matching and Tour Heuristics with Bucketing Techniques and Spacefilling Curves
HIROSHI IMAI(University of Tokyo)
Approximation of a Tessellation of the Plane by a Voronoi Diagram
ATSUO SUZUKI, MASAO IRI(University of Tokyo)

Vol.29 No.2
Solving Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems by Davidenko's Method
NOBUKO SAGARA(Aichi University)
A Sequential Evasion-Search Game with a Goal
TERUHISA NAKAI(Osaka University)
Two Machine Open Shop Scheduling Problem with Controllable Machine Speeds
Equipment Replacement under Technological Advances
YASUO KUSAKA(Tokyo Metropolitan College of Commerce)
A Fluid Flow Approximation Analyser for Buffer Type Queueing systems
I. M. PREMACHANDRA(University of Sri Lanka),HIDENORI MORIMURA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Vol.29 No.3
An Approach for the Optimal Production Rate of a Single Product System with Dynamic Demands
CHANG SUP SUNG, M. H. PARK(Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST))
Service Mechanism Control and Arrival Control of a Two-Station Tandem Queue
SHOICHI NISHIMURA(University of Tsukuba)
Flowshop Schedules with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
JATINDER N. D. GUPTA(Ball State University)
On G/G/1 Queues with LIFO-P Service Discipline
J. GEORGE SHANTHIKUMAR(University of California Berkeley),USHIO SUMITA(University of Rochester)
A Capacity-Constrained Single-Facility Multi-Product Production Planning Model
CHANG SUP SUNG, S. H. CHANG(Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)

Vol.29 No.4
Replacement Policy for Components in a Markovian Deteriorating System with Minimal Repair
MAMORU OHASHI(Ehime University)
A Simple Computer Simulation on the Effects of a Desirable Induatrial Adjustment under Constraint of Oil Supply: A Case of Japan
KICHIJI NISHINO(Waseda University)
Approximate Analysis of an On-Line Network System
HUANXU PAN, HIDENORI MORIMURA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
On the Representation of the Rigid Sub-Systems of a plane Link System
MASATAKA NAKAMURA(Eötvös Loránd University)
Convergence Proof of Coordinatewise Minimization Algorithm for Convex Programming Problem with Upper and Lower Bounded Constraints
TAKAFUMI OBORI(Hokkaido Institute of Technology),AZUMA OUCHI, IKUO KAJI(Hokkaido University)
An Infinitely Many Server Queue Having Markov Renewal Arrival and Hyperexponential Service Times
FUMIAKI MACHIHARA(NTT Electrical Communications Laboratories)
Extension of Newton and Quasi-Newton Methods of Systems of PC1 Equations
MASAKAZU KOJIMA(Tokyo Institute of Technology),SUSUMU SHINDO(Sanno College)
Structual and Qualitative Properties of Systems —A Graph-theoretic Approach—
TAKEO YAMADA(National Defense Academy)
A Polynomial Algorithm for the Maximum Balanced Flow Problem with a constant Blancing Rate Function
AKIRA NAKAYAMA(Otaru University of Commerce)