
英文論文誌 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan (1961)

Vol.64 Vol.63 Vol.62 Vol.61
Vol.60 Vol.59 Vol.58 Vol.57 Vol.56 Vol.55 Vol.54 Vol.53 Vol.52 Vol.51
Vol.50 Vol.49 Vol.48 Vol.47 Vol.46 Vol.45 Vol.44 Vol.43 Vol.42 Vol.41
Vol.40 Vol.39 Vol.38 Vol.37 Vol.36 Vol.35 Vol.34 Vol.33 Vol.32 Vol.31
Vol.30 Vol.29 Vol.28 Vol.27 Vol.26 Vol.25 Vol.24 Vol.23 Vol.22 Vol.21
Vol.20 Vol.19 Vol.18 Vol.17 Vol.16 Vol.15 Vol.14 Vol.13 Vol.12 Vol.11
Vol.10 Vol.9 Vol.8 Vol.7 Vol.6 Vol.5 Vol.4 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1

No.1  No.2  No.3  No.4

Vol.4 No.1
The Order of n Items Processed on m Machine (II)
Ichiro NABESHIMA (The Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo High School)
A Study on the Typhoon Model (1)
Mitsuo MOTOORI , Hisanori ENOMOTO (Chubu Electric Company, Planning Department)
Note on a Relation betweem the Markov Chain and the Birth and Death Process
Kanehisa UDAGAWA (Kanehisa UDAGAWA), Norihiro ITO (Norihiro ITO)

Vol.4 No.2
Table for the Capacity of Binary Communication Channels
Minoru SAKAGUCHI (University of Electro-Communications)
On the Number of Served Customers in a Busy Period
Hidenori MORIMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
The Build-up Time of Equilibrium Waiting Time
Hidenori MORIMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Remarks about Methodology in Operations Research
John E. WALSH (System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, USA)

Vol.4 No.3
An Economic Survival Game
Koichi MIYASAWA (University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics)
A Remark on Economic Survival Game
Kei TAKEUCHI (University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics)
How to Decide the Number of Circulating Spare Parts to be kept at Sheds and Railway Workshops
Masaaki FUJIMOTO , Takumi ODA (Kokura Workshop, Japanese National Railways)

Vol.4 No.4
On the Economical Assignment of Component Tolerances
Norihiro YAMAKAWA (Kasado Works, Hitachi Ltd.)
A Queueing System with Service Depending on Queue-Length
Takeji SUZUKI (Hosei University)
An Elementary Proof of an Equivalence Theorem and a Duality Conseqence
A Study on the Typhoon Model (2) -On the Simulation Model and Game of the Typhoon-
Mitsuo MOTOORI , Hisanori ENOMOTO (Chubu Electric Power Company, Planning Department)