
英文論文誌 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan (1957)

Vol.64 Vol.63 Vol.62 Vol.61
Vol.60 Vol.59 Vol.58 Vol.57 Vol.56 Vol.55 Vol.54 Vol.53 Vol.52 Vol.51
Vol.50 Vol.49 Vol.48 Vol.47 Vol.46 Vol.45 Vol.44 Vol.43 Vol.42 Vol.41
Vol.40 Vol.39 Vol.38 Vol.37 Vol.36 Vol.35 Vol.34 Vol.33 Vol.32 Vol.31
Vol.30 Vol.29 Vol.28 Vol.27 Vol.26 Vol.25 Vol.24 Vol.23 Vol.22 Vol.21
Vol.20 Vol.19 Vol.18 Vol.17 Vol.16 Vol.15 Vol.14 Vol.13 Vol.12 Vol.11
Vol.10 Vol.9 Vol.8 Vol.7 Vol.6 Vol.5 Vol.4 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1

No.1  No.2  No.3  No.4

Vol.1 No.1
Renewal Theorems in the Problems of Queues
Tatsuo KAWATA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
War Gaming Techniques Applied to Trade and Industry
Macon FRY(Operations Research Office, The johns Hopkins University)
Decision of an Optimum Toll Rate
Jiro KONDO , Yoshio KOYANAGI(University of Tokyo)
A Certain Queuing Problem of Two Service Stages and the Efflux Distribution
Tsuruchiyo HOMMA(Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Vol.1 No.2
A Probabilistic Approach to Preventive Maintenance
Shizuo SENJU(Keio University)
On a Queue in which Joining Customers Give up their Services Halfway
Kanehisa UDAGAWA , Gisaku NAKAMURA(Electrical Communication Laboratory)
On Ruin Problem with Numerical Tables
T.SEIKE , T.ODANAKA(Tokyo Metropolitan Technical College)

Vol.1 No.3
A Note on the Determination of All Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming
Toshio FUJISAWA(Kinki University)
Three−Person Cooperative Games
Minoru SAKAGUCHI(University of Electro−Communications.)
Is Weather Forecasting Profitable?
Sho YAMAMOTO(Nippon Teppan Co., Ltd.)
Simplified Production-Inventory Control Chart
Hisashi MINE(Osaka University)
Determination of the Optimum Number of Seats of a Passenger Transport Plane
Jiro KONDO(University of Tokyo)

Vol.1 No.4
Programming Techniques for Solving the Transportation Problem
Sigemiti SUZUKI(Railway Technical Research Institute)
A Computational Method for the Transportation Problem on a Network
Toshio FUJISAWA(University of Osaka Prefecture)
Regulation of the Cut by Dynamic Programming
Tsutomu ARIMIZU(Government Forest Experiment Station)