
英文論文誌 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan (1994)

Vol.64 Vol.63 Vol.62 Vol.61
Vol.60 Vol.59 Vol.58 Vol.57 Vol.56 Vol.55 Vol.54 Vol.53 Vol.52 Vol.51
Vol.50 Vol.49 Vol.48 Vol.47 Vol.46 Vol.45 Vol.44 Vol.43 Vol.42 Vol.41
Vol.40 Vol.39 Vol.38 Vol.37 Vol.36 Vol.35 Vol.34 Vol.33 Vol.32 Vol.31
Vol.30 Vol.29 Vol.28 Vol.27 Vol.26 Vol.25 Vol.24 Vol.23 Vol.22 Vol.21
Vol.20 Vol.19 Vol.18 Vol.17 Vol.16 Vol.15 Vol.14 Vol.13 Vol.12 Vol.11
Vol.10 Vol.9 Vol.8 Vol.7 Vol.6 Vol.5 Vol.4 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1

No.1  No.2  No.3  No.4

Vol.37 No.1
A Recursive Algorithm for Finding the Minimum Norm Point in an Unbounded Polyhedron
Wakasa Kise(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation),Kazuyuki Sekitani(Science University of Tokyo)
A New Products Diffusion Model with Consideration of Repeat Purchase
Shigeru Sakamoto(Hitachi Ltd.),Hidenori Morimura(Japan Women's University)
On Comparison of Accuracy of Approximations in the Cross Aggregation Method
Yu Song(Fukuoka Institute of Technology),Yukio Takahashi(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Relationship between Queue-Length and Waiting Time Distributions in a Priority Queue with Batch Arrivals
Yoshitaka Takahashi(NTT Laboratories),Masakiyo Miyazawa(Science University of Tokyo)
An Optimal Search for a Disappearing Target with a Random Lifetime
Ryusuke Hohzaki, Koji Iida(National Defense Academy)

Vol.37 No.2
Genetic Algorithms for Single Machine Job Scheduling with Common Due Date and Symmetric Penalties
Chae Y. Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
A Lower Bound of the Expected Maximum Number of Vertex-Disjoint s-t Paths on Probabilistic Graphs
Peng Cheng, Shigeru Masuyama(Toyohashi University of Technology)
Space Interaction Model Analyses for the Inter-Regional Telephone Call Flows in the Metropolitan Areas
Hiroaki Kawate(NTT Corp.),Tatsuo Oyama(Saitama University)
A Single-Machine Multi-Product Lot Scheduling Problem with Consideration of Product-Dependent Transportation
Hirokazu Kono(Keio University)
An Inefficiency Measurement Method for Management Systems
Yoshiyasu Yamada(Science University of Tokyo),Tomomi Matsui(University of Tokyo),Manabu Sugiyama(Science University of Tokyo)

Vol.37 No.3
G/Ma,b/1 Queues with Server Vacations
Bong Dae Choi, Dong Hwan Han(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
On Finding the Most Vital Job in Relocation Problem
Bertrand M.-T. Lin(Ming-Chuan College of Management)
A Greedy Algorithm for Minimizing a Separable Convex Function over an Integral Bisubmodular polyhedron
Kazutoshi Ando, Satoru Fujishige(University of Tsukuba),Takeshi Naitoh(Shiga University)
An Approach for Worst Case Analysis of Heuristics: Analysis of a Flexible 0-1 Knapsack Problem
Tsung-Chyan Lai(National Taiwan University),Margaret L. Brandeau, Samuel Chiu(Stanford University)
A Unified View of Long-Period Random Number Generators
Shu Tezuka(IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory)
Euler's Formula via Potential Functions
Ryuichi Hirabayashi(Science University of Tokyo),Hubertus Th. Jongen(RWTH-Aachen),Masayuki Shida(Kanagawa University)
Transportation Capacity of Elevators for intra-traffic in kilometer Buildings
Azuma Taguchi(Chuo University)
On the Equivalency of Balancedness and Stability in Effectivity Function Games
Masayoshi Mizutani(Tokyo Keizai University),Nae-Chan Lee,Hisakazu Nishino(Keio University)

Vol.37 No.4
Dynamically Optimal Replacement Policy for a Shock Model in a Markov Random Environment
Wei Feng, Kohichi Adachi, Masasi Kowada(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
A Queueing System with a Setup Time for Switching of the Service Distribution
Koji Yamada(IBM Japan, Ltd.),Shoichi Nishimura(Science University of Tokyo)
Hide-and-Seaerch Game with the Risk Criterion
Koji Iida, Ryosuke Hohzaki, Kenjyo Sato(National Defense of Academy)
Primal-Dual Proximal Point Algorithm for Multicommodity Network Flow Problems
Satoru Ibaraki(Kyoto University),Masao Fukushima(Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Optimization Based Globally Convergent Methods for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problem
Kouichi Taji, Masao Fukushima(Nara Institute of Science and Technology)