
英文論文誌 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan (1958)

Vol.64 Vol.63 Vol.62 Vol.61
Vol.60 Vol.59 Vol.58 Vol.57 Vol.56 Vol.55 Vol.54 Vol.53 Vol.52 Vol.51
Vol.50 Vol.49 Vol.48 Vol.47 Vol.46 Vol.45 Vol.44 Vol.43 Vol.42 Vol.41
Vol.40 Vol.39 Vol.38 Vol.37 Vol.36 Vol.35 Vol.34 Vol.33 Vol.32 Vol.31
Vol.30 Vol.29 Vol.28 Vol.27 Vol.26 Vol.25 Vol.24 Vol.23 Vol.22 Vol.21
Vol.20 Vol.19 Vol.18 Vol.17 Vol.16 Vol.15 Vol.14 Vol.13 Vol.12 Vol.11
Vol.10 Vol.9 Vol.8 Vol.7 Vol.6 Vol.5 Vol.4 Vol.3 Vol.2 Vol.1

No.1  No.2  No.3  No.4

Vol.2 No.1
On the Computation Solution of Dynamic Programming Processes, A Bottleneck Processes Arising in the Study of Interdependent Industries
Richard BELLMAN and Stuart DREYFUS(The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California)
On the Stability of Traffic Flow (Report−1)
Eiji KOMETANI (Kyoto University) , Tsuna SASAKI (Kumamoto University)
A Method of Discrete Programming Problem

Vol.2 No.2
Notes on Auction Bidding
Sigeti MORIGUTI(University of Tokyo),Saburo SUGANAMI (Mitsubishi Metal Mining Co., Ltd.)
On the Stability of Traffic Flow (Report-II)
Tsuna SASAKI (Kyoto University)
Prediction Theory and Dynamic Programming
Tosio ODANKA (The Metropolitan Technical Collge)

Vol.2 No.3
A Symmetric Dual Theorem for Quadratic Programs
W. S. DORN (New York University)
A Computational Method for Dynamic Linear Programming
Takeshi FUKAO (Electro-technical Laboratory)
Traffic Dynamics : Analysis as Sampled-Data Control Systems
Takeshi KISHI (Defense Academy)
An Extension of N. Wiener's Prediction Theory
Jiro KONDO (University of Tokyo)
An Application of Queuing Theory in Misaki Fishing Port Planning
Masaji SHIBA (Tokyo University)

Vol.2 No.4
A Pre-Computational Report on Job Shop Simulation Research
Yoshiro KURATANI , Ross T. NELSON (University of California Los Angeles)
α Inventory Policy — Scheduling Model
Yo FUKUBA (Osaka University)