All day
2023-01-16 – 2023-01-20
最適化ソフトウェアに関する研究で著名な Hans D. Mittelmann 氏とStefan Vigerske 氏を招いて
1: 現地参加 (九州大学伊都キャンパス)
2: オンライン参加 (Zoomウェビナー)
Prof. Hans D. Mittelmann(School of Math & Stat Sciences, Arizona State University)
Dr. Stefan Vigerske (Zuse Institute Berlin)
Dr. Yuji Shinano (Zuse Institute Berlin)
藤澤克樹 (九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)
Session 1: Introduction, What will be covered, which resources will be used
Which software is available for unconstrained optimization?
Exercise: Use AMPL to solve unconstrained problems with unique
and multiple solutions
2023/01/16(Mon): 13:00 ? 14:30 [Lecture for Session 1]
2023/01/16(Mon): 14:50~16:20 [Exercise for Session 1]
Session 2: Nonlinear Least Squares and Nonlinear Systems of Equations
Which methods are available and have been implemented?
Exercise: Regular and singular nonlinear systems, a challenging
least squares problem also solved via orthogonal distance regression
2023/01/17(Tue): 10:30~12:00 [Answer for Session 1 and Lecture for Session 2]
2023/01/17(Tue): 13:30~14:30 [Exercise for Session 2]
Session 3: Constrained Nonlinear Programming, NLP
Classical methods such as SQP; interior point methods and
available software
Exercise: A bilevel NLP, a problem from distance geometry and one
from financial math
2023/01/17(Tue): 14:50~16:20 [Answer for Session 2 and lecture for Session 3]
2023/01/18(Wed): 10:30~12:00 [Exercise for Session 3]
2023/01/18(Wed): 13:30~14:30 [Answer for Session 3 and a kind of summary so far]
Session 4: Convex (and some nonconvex) Optimization, LP, QP, SDP, SOCP
Exercise: An LP from Compressive Sensing, two problems from Machine
Learning, an SOCP problem from Robust Optimization, using CPLEX,
Gurobi, and a global solver on nonconvex problems
2023/01/18(Wed): 14:50~16:20 [Lecture for Session 4]
2023/01/19(Thu): 10:30~12:00 [Answer for Session 4 and starts lecture for Session 5]
Session 5: Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Algorithms and available software
Exercise: Quadratic Assignment Problem
2023/01/19(Thu): 13:30~14:30 [Lectrue for Session 5]
2023/01/19(Thu): 14:50~16:20 [Exersise for Session 5]
2023/01/19(Thu): 16:50~17:50 [Answer for Session 5 and Summary]
Session 6: Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), Global Optimization
Methods for Convex MINLP, e.g. Outer Approximation, branch-and-bound
Methods for Deterministic Global Optimization (nonconvex (MI)NLP), e.g., convexification, spatial branch-and-bound
Available Software
Exercise: a MINLP
2023/01/20(Fri): 10:30~12:00
2023/01/20(Fri): 13:30~15:00